Let me in your fascination…

I’ve spent a considerable amount of time building a soundtrack for Ben and Marina and the entire story surrounding them. I then proceeded to listen the fuck out of that playlist.

Because I’m obsessive like that.

When the gears started turning on the story of Kate and Michael, I realized a handful of the Ben and Marina songs could easily crossover. And then proceeded to start building the soundtrack of Kate and Michael. Including a few songs I stumbled across by sheer luck.

There is a list of artists in my music arsenal that are getting a hell of a lot of airplay these days.

I’m certainly not complaining.

A solid soundtrack can really make an otherwise mediocre movie fantastic. Why can’t the same be true for a book?

And then after I did my find/replace of the 138 uses of the name Joel, I decided I wasn’t happy with the current choice of character name and changed it all over again. I didn’t go back to Joel. I took a different route. And I think this one might stick.


If for no other reason than I’m tired of find/replacing 100-some instances of one freaking character.

Goddammit Joel whatever the hell your name is now.


Something to say?