How many days in a year…

I think nine out of ten “follows” I get on Twitter are spam accounts.

The tenth is usually some random business with an auto-follow bot running scripts on keywords that I happened to use in a tweet. Keywords that, in the context of my tweet, have absolutely nothing to do with their business. Or it’s some musician/band I’ve never heard, claiming to be similar to a musician or band that I have heard of and are looking to garner a wider fan base.

My favorites are the UBER RELIGIOUS acts that clearly don’t read anything in my stream before they press follow and are probably suddenly assaulted with endless f-bombs and every fifth tweet taking the Lord’s name in vain.

I’m klassy that way.

And they deserve to be assaulted by it for not reading what they’re following in the first place.

And then one night…last week-ish?…I opened up gmail to a notification of a new Twitter follower.


Nine Days?

Are they even still a band?

Apparently they are. Or at least they’re making a comeback.

Remember Nine Days?

I’ll bet you remember the song.

Memory jogged?

They had a lot more good music than the two songs that were played on the radio 10-ish years ago. Highly underrated in my useless opinion. According to their official website, they’re essentially “rebooting” and planning a comeback. I don’t know if that means they’ll be putting out a completely different sound or what. “Reboot” is a sketchy term. But I’m willing to listen.

And can we please all take a moment to remember just how ridiculously adorable John Hampson was? (Or still is?)

I want to pinch his cheeks.

And keep him in my pocket.

Absolutely (Story of a Girl)
Nine Days

Something to say?