Could be worse…

Could be raining.

It’s been about five years since the last time I had an actual cold.

Coincidentally, it’s also been five years since I’ve had a job.

I don’t want to jump to conclusions over here, but I think the two could possibly be related.

Bob has had a number of colds in varied severity in all that time, but somehow I managed to avoid catching them.

Until this one.

Apparently in my hiatus, I have forgotten completely how to cope with a damn cold. Jeezuz.

Coughing, wheezing, sneezing, snot, snot, snot, and horking things out of my lungs that were not meant to be seen by human eyes. (You are welcome.) I need a nap after taking a shower and all I want to do is lay in bed and wallow. But laying down just makes it all worse and sitting up makes me want to fall over. So really, I’m an absolute joy of a whiny wuss to be around right now.

And what makes it all the more sad and pathetic is that this cold is really not that bad compared to chest colds gone by. I’m just a big, snot and phlegm laden baby.

And apparently I have been moaning constantly in my sleep. Bob says it’s a very pathetic moaning wheeze on just about every exhale.

I am just all kinds of sexy here right now.

Sheep and I will just be over here with tissues jammed up our noses and gargling saltwater.

But I will say this:

At least it’s not a fucking stomach bug.

I will stab you in the face with a rusty butter knife and burn your house to the ground if you give me one of those.

Start a Fire
Ryan Star

Something to say?