Everything to come…

1.) My head is in a weird place. I’m not entirely sure how to describe it. I never am really, but things have been a little more off as of late and I don’t know how to feel about it.

2.) Funerals, no matter how well you did or did not know the person, are a miserable experience.

3.) Sometimes when you get news, the only viable response is Well Fuck.

4.) We finally bought a new bed. Went shopping Friday. It’s being delivered Tuesday. ZOMGWTF!?

5.) There are times when biting my tongue is so painfully difficult all I can do is avoid eye contact and internally repeat the mantra “think don’t say, think don’t say, think don’t say,” before I tell someone just how incredibly idiotic they are acting.

6.) I need to go visit my parents. I’m long overdue.

7.) It’s been awhile. Have an Andy Grammer video.

So Ordinary
Ryan Star

Something to say?