What kind of fool…

I’ve been trying to concoct a blog post for…awhile now. Nothing is happening. It’s aggravating but not at all surprising.

I’ve been slogging through the real writing, struggling with existing projects, and flailing about gears turning on new ideas. Of course there are new ideas. Because twenty-some projects in the works is just not enough.


There is so much new music on the horizon I’m going to spend every last dime in my bank account. Oy. It makes my heart happy.

We’ve had our new bed for almost six weeks. I almost made it to a full month of staying in bed every night. Almost. I still woke up a dozen times a night, but managed to get back to sleep. I don’t know what derailed it, but it does not for a happy Sara make.

The other night insomnia drove me to watching a fuckton of Glee videos on Youtube. I kind of really hated myself for that. My punishment was then a Glee version of a Katy Perry song DRUMMING through my skull for two straight days (though there was nothing straight about the performance) and it randomly forces its way into my brain at inopportune times.

Tony Lucca has a new EP coming out next week. He’s doing a series of daily videos on Youtube to countdown to release. He resurrected a song from the MMC album that made me giggle and grin like a damn lunatic. Oh Tony. I’ve loved you the longest of any of my musical loves.

And then there’s this one. This was the very first original song of his I heard once I discovered he was still making music so many years after Ye Olde MMC ended. It still makes me feel all gooey.


With bonus Matt. Oh Matt…

(I loved Marc and JC too.)

(Although JC’s post-NSYNC solo effort was a colossal disappointment. I always wanted him to go the singer-songwriter route. He could have pulled that off pretty well methinks.)

Four AM nostalgia.


It’s stuck in my head again. It might as well be stuck in yours too.

Go ahead and judge me all you want.

But if you don’t think Chris Colfer is the most adorable little thing ever, you have no soul. I would probably actually watch Glee if it was just the story of Kurt and Blaine. Though my brain would probably explode from the epic level of cute every time they nuzzled each other.


Shut up.

Mission Bells
Matt Nathanson

Something to say?