Never had a life of ease…


Labor Day.

The ceremonial end to summer and the start of school.

I always hated Labor Day weekend. It meant school started. I hated school from day one. I loved brand new school supplies. Getting new shoes was fun. New clothes were nice except the part about going to the store to pick them out. (HAAATE clothes shopping.) But school man, miserable experience from the very first day.

Now that I no longer have to suffer the insufferable hell of school, I look at Labor Day with more appreciation. Because it means summer is on its way out the door and I won’t have to deal with miserable hot and humid weather anymore.

A large percentage of people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder in the winter months with limited sunshine and excessive cabin fever. If I’m at all prone to SAD it’s in the summer not the winter. Oh I hate winter—cold, snow, ICE, dark at 4:00 in the afternoon—but I can wear hoodies and wrap up in blankets and avoid leaving the house, all of which I love to do.


I hate hot weather, I get itchy and sneezy just stepping outside to check the mail, and the humidity makes me feel like my lungs are full of sludge. My system shuts down when I’m overheated and I am excessively bitchy (no-no, more than usual) and I cry even easier (and tears are on a hair-trigger as it is). I get irrationally irritated just looking at weather reports and seeing anything above 80 degrees. And when ragweed season rolls around, it’s all I can do to not burn nature to the ground.

Give me 65 and breezy and a hoodie and I’m golden. (And overnight freezing temperatures to kill nature.)

On one hand—Holy Christmas it’s September where the hell has this year gone?


Now if Bob’s company could just be DONE with their busy season and get my husband home at his normal time, that’d be great.

Only Wanna Love You

Something to say?