Sometimes I drink…

Actually sometimes I WISH I drank.

Like right now.

So I could dull the pain of a uterus who is a demonic sonofabitch trying to kill me.

1.) Next week is Christmas and we haven’t even put the tree up.

2.) Last weekend (a four-day weekend no less) we both had a mystery plague that tried to be a chest cold, but couldn’t quite get over the hump. So that was fun.

3.) I spent about two hours in bed and then something woke me up and apparently that was all the sleep I needed. (see: demonic sonofabitch)

4.) Writer’s block both sucks and blows and not in the fun way.

5.) My obsessive O.A.R. listening has them rapidly closing in on the top three slot of Can’t stop. Won’t stop.

6.) Today is Bob’s last day of work for the year. I am very excited about this.

7.) We have grand plans to get things done while on vacation. If we accomplish just one of those things, I’ll consider it a gaddamn Christmas miracle.

8.) I finally broke 50K on Emerson Mouse’s favorite project. It only took six months to get there. And it’s nowhere near finished.

9.) Emerson Mouse is a surly little fuzzball who likes to stare me down when I’m not writing. Or when we don’t have any cookies. Mostly when we don’t have any cookies.

10.) I need to bake cookies.

Missing Pieces

Something to say?