At the end of the day…

Christmas vacation.

Sixteen days holed up in the bear cave. Late nights, lazy days, avoiding people, and enjoying every minute of it.

1.) We went to see the new Star Wars movie. We caught a $5 matinee at a near-empty theater. This one definitely makes up for that last set of movies. I had zero expectations so I was pleasantly surprised. And I need a BB-8 of my very own please and thank you.

2.) I gave Bob the complete series of Breaking Bad on DVD for Christmas. We’ve been main-lining it all week. We haven’t watched any of it since the show ended two years ago, so it’s interesting to see how much we do and don’t remember. But oh ye gods this show.

3.) The rest of our furniture is finally getting delivered on Saturday. This will be good motivation to take down the Christmas tree in a timely fashion instead of leaving it up until Easter. (Or just Valentine’s Day. Whatever. Just let me play my ADHD card and shush.)

4.) In the never-ending stream of WHAT!IF! when it comes to what I’ve been writing as of late, I currently have four different plotlines all revolving around the same core group of characters. This happens more than I care to admit. When it does, I find myself lumping all the individual stories into one folder under a single code name just to clean up the mess in my writing folder. So now I have a collection of pipe dreams sitting under the header of Stephen Tyler. Because it amuses me. Thoroughly.

I blame Basil.

5.) Bob gave me a Burnie bobblehead for Christmas. I’ve wanted one for a long time and I could never justify buying it for myself. He does things like that. Because I am spoiled.

Leonard Burns Esquire approves.

(The Burnie Statue.)

Dinner Last Night

Something to say?