A Year in Review…2015…

Tradition is necessity.

2016 is the Year of the Monkey.

2011…The House…
2012…Denver Roadtrip…
2013…If it Ain’t One Thing…
2014…The Phantom Smoke Stench…

2015 was The Year of…I Don’t Even Know What Day it is Anymore…

It’s been a weird year. That’s the best I can describe it. There was a lot of family drama caused by toxic people. There was a lot of money spent trying to find answers to chronic pain to no avail. There was a lot of fixating on music. There was a lot of What the hell day is it again?

Goodbye 2015. Your endless, dragging days flew by a lot faster than expected.

Here’s to a better 2016.

1.) Where did you ring in 2015?
Bob and I were at home playing FFXIV when the clock struck twelve. (Who needs Chippendales when you play an MMO with a whole lot of gay men?)

2.) What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
I started seeing a chiropractor. Jury’s still out if all this money I’m spending is actually worth it.

3.) Did you keep your new year’s resolutions and will you make more for next year?
Nope and nope. Dead horses and all that.

4.) Did anyone close to you become engaged or married?
No wedding bells this year. We’re running low on single friends and family.

5.) Did anyone close to you become pregnant or give birth?
For once it wasn’t a year inundated with babies.

6.) Did anyone close to you die?
Nobody close, but I had a shockingly difficult time with the passing of Monty Oum.

7.) How did you earn your keep?
Psuedo housewife, six years running.

8.) What countries places did you visit?
We took an overnight trip up to Bemidji to see O.A.R. in concert.

9.) What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
Less hip pain. I’m not holding my breath.

10.) What dates from 2015 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
April 19th—seeing O.A.R. live for the first time. The crowd was weirdly lame, but the band was fucking awesome.
June 26th—the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality and I was a snotty, weepy mess of happiness.

11.) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I got some much needed cleaning done, though there’s still a lot left.

12.) What was your biggest failure?
Not getting as much cleaning done as I’d planned. And the walls still aren’t painted.

13.) Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing new. Just more of the same pain and aggravation with lack of answers.

14.) Did you ever encounter the police?
Nope. Joel’s bumpers are intact for another year.

15.) What was the best thing you bought?
New furniture for the living room (TV stand, bookcase, end tables, sofa table) and dining room (buffet).

16.) Where did most of your money go?
New furniture. Also medical bills—because it’s fucking expensive to have people shrug their shoulders at you when you ask them what’s wrong with you.

17.) What did you get really excited about?
Seeing O.A.R. live and Matt Nathanson’s new album.

18.) Compared to this time last year, are you…
…happier or sadder? About the same. Though considerably more frustrated.
…thinner or fatter? About the same. Possibly a pound or two lighter.
…richer or poorer? About the same. Effing medical bills.

19.) What do you wish you’d done more of?
Cleaning and organizing the house.

20.) What do you wish you’d done less of?
Eating terrible food.

21.) How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas Eve with my family. Christmas Day with Bob’s family.

22.) What are your short and long term goals for 2016?
Short Term: Organizing the living room once the rest of our new furniture is delivered.
Long Term: Scheduling shamefully overdue dentist and eye doctor appointments for both Bob and me.

23.) What was your favorite TV program?
We started watching The Flash and Arrow and Bob got me to start watching The Walking Dead.

24.) What were your favorite books of the year?
Red vs Blue: The Ultimate Fan Guide. You heard me.

25.) What was your favorite music from this year?
I spent about six months straight listening to nothing but O.A.R. and then Matt Nathanson put out a new album.

26.) What song will always remind you of 2015?
Mikey Wax Love Always Wins.

27.) What were your favorite films of the year?
I suppose I’d have to say Star Wars Episode VII. We watched a lot of other movies, but nothing else that really stands out.

28.) What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I turned 36 this year. Cripes.
Bob took off work and we played FFX-2 and had Mexican food for dinner.

29.) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Pain relief.

30.) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2015?
Pajamas and hoodies every day.

31.) What kept you sane?
Bob and music.

32.) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
The boys of O.A.R. and Matt Nathanson. Also Grant Gustin is effing adorable as Barry Allen and I wouldn’t kick Stephen Amell (or Oliver Queen) out of bed on a cold night. *ahem*

33.) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2015.
Toxic people can be incredibly difficult to cut out of your life. And just when you think their behavior can’t get any more deplorable, they prove you so very wrong.

Farewell December
Matt Nathanson

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