Clock strikes to five…

I make an effort to try to write every day. Even if it only results in editing a few typos and deleting a metric fuckton of superfluous commas. Sometimes I only read through things I’ve written. But the point is dedicating time out of every day to focus on writing.

That’s writing, which is different from blogging.

For me at least.

It probably shouldn’t be, but my screwball brain has always seen them as two separate things.

November is both National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo…write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days) and National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo…write a blog post every day for 30 days).

I’ve never participated in NaNoWriMo. Writing 50K in 30 days averages to 1,667 words a day. I used to think that was insanity. And then I started paying attention to my own word counts and realized that when I’m on a roll, I tend to write double or triple that [daily] count in one sitting. Not so unattainable after all. But that hasn’t motivated me to participate in the event. Maybe if I happen to be in a good writing groove when November rolls around, I’ll consider it, but probably not.

This year I decided to try participating in NaBloPoMo. I didn’t sign up for the website or announce my grand plans. I just started doing it to see if I could keep with it. The site offers writing prompts five days a week, but the majority of them are things that don’t apply to me, so it’s kind of useless to try to follow. I had no game plan at all. Somehow I managed to do it—with some cheater non-content posts in the mix—but I doubt I’ll do it again.

There are people who blog every single day of the year. They don’t always write lengthy, in-depth posts. Sometimes it’s just a picture with a caption. But they blog every day regardless.

That’s not me.

I’m not cut out for blogging every day. I just don’t have it in me and that was reflected quite glaringly in the last thirty days. Some days I had something specific in mind to write, but most days it was rapidly approaching 11:59 and I found myself grasping at straws for something to post.

It was an interesting experiment to try and I’m actually kind of impressed I pulled it off to the degree that I did, but now it’s back to blogging when the mood strikes. Back to blogging when I feel like I have something to say.

No matter how inane it might be.

Light Switch Sky

Something to say?