Don’t know when…

Don’t know when…

O.M.F.G. I am developing some……opinions……on my new web hosting provider and they mostly involve expletives and rude gestures. Do I need to go shopping for a replacement already? Anyway. Tirade cut short: Extensive downtime of the server for “unplanned maintenance” resulted in all of my posts and pages getting deleted—fifteen years worth of posts and pages—and tech support has thus far not given me any answers and so I did a restore from a backup… Keep reading…Don’t know when…

Looking for clues…

Looking for clues…

July. We meet again, my annual nemesis. We spent the first week of the month on vacation. And by vacation, I mean, holed up in our house, avoiding people, staying up too late, and playing the new Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail expansion. It’s the start of a new story arc so it didn’t have quite the same gut punch of FEELINGS of the last two expansions that wrapped up a huge arc. That was fully… Keep reading…Looking for clues…

Higher now…

Higher now…

Earlier today we went out to check the mail and there was a lone turkey in the neighbor’s yard having a snack from the bird feeder spillage. When the door opened, she straightened up, darted away from the tree, looked around in a panic, and started booking it across the street. From there she flew up onto the eve over the garage of one of the houses and ran across, flying up to the roof… Keep reading…Higher now…

Keep it undercover…

Keep it undercover…

I started writing a different post and it quickly devolved into an extensive tirade about software and while extensive tirades are kind of the norm around here, I was annoying even myself, so…delete. In short: I Do. Not. Like. Windows 11 and I Really. Do. Not. Like. how every MF software is moving to the subscription-based model. Just let me buy a program once so I can run it into the ground until I am… Keep reading…Keep it undercover…

Don’t watch it turn…

Don’t watch it turn…

We made it to June without having to turn on the air conditioning. If the forecast is accurate, it won’t be long before we do need A/C, but it’s still some kind of victory and I’ll take it. Anyroad. You know what’s great? A warranty issue on day two with a brand new computer. You know what’s even better? A warranty issue on day ONE with the REPLACEMENT computer. It has been A TIME over… Keep reading…Don’t watch it turn…