The charge is reading low…

Need me to fix that for you?

September. If only that meant summer was over. It is not. Let’s see how many times my website goes down while I try to post something. I’m pretty sure every time I try to do anything here my service tanks yet again. I AM NOT AMUSED. The Killers put out a new song. With all four members of the band! [ Bright Lights ] Matt Nathanson released a new song. A love letter to his… Keep reading…The charge is reading low…

Only passing through…

Scars and souvenirs...

Sometimes I have things to get done that I am actively thinking about while I’m doing something else, fully intending to do those things next, but then something else interferes and suddenly it’s six days later and I still haven’t done those things I was thinking about. I was feeling very off. And I was chalking it up to the fact that it’s August and summer is never going to fucking end. But something was… Keep reading…Only passing through…

Got no shame…

She doesn't remember she already wrote this anyway...

Yesterday post-work we went grocery shopping and realized it was only 66 degrees outside with low humidity. When we got home, I turned off the A/C and opened the windows and the cool, fresh air in my house was a shot of adrenaline dopamine I didn’t know I needed when I had a headache that was trying its best to turn into a migraine. I woke up with a full-blown migraine this morning (the first… Keep reading…Got no shame…

Blacking out again…


It’s August. July is the worst and it’s finally over, but then there’s still August and that’s just pouring isopropyl in an open wound. Anyway. I have written a lot of expletive-laden tirades about technology and software and I had another rant started and then I had EVEN MORE website problems and the draft got deleted, and I’m not rewriting that so, you’re welcome. Can I write this post, save it, and publish it? Or… Keep reading…Blacking out again…

Don’t know when…

The Disco Vengeance.

O.M.F.G. I am developing some……opinions……on my new web hosting provider and they mostly involve expletives and rude gestures. Do I need to go shopping for a replacement already? Anyway. Tirade cut short: Extensive downtime of the server for “unplanned maintenance” resulted in all of my posts and pages getting deleted—fifteen years worth of posts and pages—and tech support has thus far not given me any answers and so I did a restore from a backup… Keep reading…Don’t know when…

Looking for clues…

I solemnly swear not to spit on you...

July. We meet again, my annual nemesis. We spent the first week of the month on vacation. And by vacation, I mean, holed up in our house, avoiding people, staying up too late, and playing the new Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail expansion. It’s the start of a new story arc so it didn’t have quite the same gut punch of FEELINGS of the last two expansions that wrapped up a huge arc. That was fully… Keep reading…Looking for clues…