Watching the wrong board…

It is, as I type this, eighty-one degrees outside. It’s 30% humidity, windy, and we are under a Critical Fire Weather Watch. Yesterday I saw a news headline that claimed Minnesota has “no more signs of drought” because it rained last week. Makes sense. One of the bathroom faucets has a drip that keeps getting progressively worse and the handle is getting floppier by the day. Our kitchen faucet did that once upon a time…. Keep reading…Watching the wrong board…

Tethered here together…

Basil: Hey! Remember that fanfiction you started a few years ago? Me: Could you be more general? Basil: You KNOW the one. Me: (I’m gonna regret this)……Why? Basil: WHAT. IF. Me: Please don’t. Basil: No, but what if. Me: Stop. Basil: Hear me out. Me: There are already FOUR iterations of that thing. Knock it off. Basil: Here’s number five. Me: Weren’t you hibernating for the winter? Basil: Nah. Winter’s over. I’m here to help… Keep reading…Tethered here together…

Kill the Lights…

It is currently 62 degrees outside. In February. In Minnesota. It’s fine. Everything’s fine. Anyway. I don’t remember when Basil the Gremlin Muse was officially created. I had ideas about a gremlin muse rolling around for a long time before I created a critter in the game Spore. The game came out in 2008 and the first mention I can find of Basil on the blog is in 2010. So he’s been around for at… Keep reading…Kill the Lights…

Fever-dream tangerine sweat…

I don’t know, ask Pete Wentz. Fever-dream tangerine sweat sounds like a review of Panic‘s Viva Las Vengeance album. *ahem* This is only about half as long as that monstrosity. And probably makes even less sense. Anyway. Clearing out my brain. And by brain I mean…well…my actual brain but also my writing folder. Same difference really. Regardless, not a pretty task. Writing about writing…folders. Twice in the history of this blog, I went through and… Keep reading…Fever-dream tangerine sweat…

Always spinning…

February. January is always such a slog, but February has far too much baggage attached to it. Mech. At the beginning of the week, I opened the bedroom blinds and thought, why do things look so…orange-y? The sun was shining for the first time in…weeks? And it came back every day all week long. It’s been a nice change from all the gray and brown. I mean, it’s still completely brown out there because there… Keep reading…Always spinning…

Everything collides…

If I dug deep enough through the archives, I could probably find a good half dozen times I’ve written about this before. (Let’s be realistic, there’s probably far more than that.) (Effin Birds by Aaron Reynolds) Listen, Bird… Here’s a peek into my demented brain. Whenever I write about writing, my brain is constantly telling me DON’T REVEAL TOO MANY DETAILS about whatever story I’m talking about. Like somebody might stumble across the post and… Keep reading…Everything collides…