Lack of motivation…

February. Week 46. My brain is complete mush. No-no, more than usual. I spent most of January battling shitty insomnia until my body said FUCK THIS SHIT and knocked me down hard. But a forced hard reset seems to have shifted my sleep back into something almost resembling that of a normal human, so…I guess I’ll take it while it lasts. The same thing happened at the beginning of last year, but it gradually slipped… Keep reading…Lack of motivation…

On and on forever…

Listen. We’ve been over this. It’s pretty much a requirement as a native Minnesotan to incessantly talk about the weather. It snowed again yesterday. There’s supposed to be more snow this weekend. No leaks yet, but half the people who have reported them are in our specific building of six units, forging the theory that it’s not mere coincidence, but a product of being the last building constructed by a company on the verge of… Keep reading…On and on forever…

Disconnected function…

A few weeks back, I had a whole list of things in my head that I wanted to write about. And then… Nothin’. Par for the course.   Listing…   1.) We finally bought a humidifier for the bedroom. It felt like the air got super dry super fast when the weather turned cold this season, and if last winter taught me anything, turbinate reduction is great for BREATHING, but not so much for maintaining… Keep reading…Disconnected function…

Staring at walls for hours…

WordPress did a big ol’ update and completely changed the format of the post editor and JEEZY CREEZY it is awful. Fortunately they also now have a “Classic Editor” plugin to bring it back to its old look and I installed that bitch right quick because the new shit is UN. USEABLE. We are now on Christmas vacation and neither one of us has any idea what day it is or what time it is… Keep reading…Staring at walls for hours…

Away from this place…

Summer lasted an eternity and my mental state took a brutal beating. September arrived, bringing hoodie weather and other good things, but the news cycle somehow felt even more dire than it has been these last two years and I am not processing it well at all, no matter how much I try to limit and filter things down. I have exactly zero faith that the “Blue Wave” will happen, or solve anything if it… Keep reading…Away from this place…

It’s just another summer…

I cut the corner of my finger off with a kitchen scissors while opening a package of tofu. You heard me. It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds, but there was a lot of blood and I had to completely stop everything else I was doing to bandage my stupidity and find the missing piece of my finger so it didn’t end up in dinner. Small as it was, it was a rather impressive… Keep reading…It’s just another summer…