It’s just another summer…

I cut the corner of my finger off with a kitchen scissors while opening a package of tofu.

You heard me.

It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds, but there was a lot of blood and I had to completely stop everything else I was doing to bandage my stupidity and find the missing piece of my finger so it didn’t end up in dinner. Small as it was, it was a rather impressive chunk of flesh, and I feel like that statement warrants a That’s What She Said.



If you were wondering how this miserably endless summer is stacking up, I also managed to fall in slow motion at the top of the stairs while carrying a mug of hot tea, soaking the carpet and splashing the white walls NEAR THE CEILING. (I didn’t even notice that until almost two weeks later.) And it had to be black tea so, stain city. A proper carpet cleaner may be able to salvage things, but our carpet is old and terrible and I have zero motivation to actually try to clean it beyond what I’ve already done. We’ll see if that changes.

It’s currently four-something in the morning. I’m sitting at my desk in the dark—like I do—with a mug of [unspilled] hot tea steaming in my face. After two days of nice weather and open windows it is humid as fuck with periodic rain and the temperatures are due to climb back up over eighty for the weekend. Also allergies are trying to kill me. I woke up at some ungodly hour full of mucus and itchies and it was so gaddamn humid in here I made the executive decision to turn the A/C back on now instead of waiting for the sun to come around and bake the house this afternoon.

We are going into Labor Day Weekend. Next week the forecast is supposed to drop in temperature and I hope like hell it stays that way.

This has been a really hard summer. For many reasons. But my mental state has really taken a beating by Summertime SAD and the endless hot weather. We’ve turned the A/C off all of four days since we turned it on somewhere in the vicinity of May/June. I don’t even remember at this point because while OMFG HOW IS IT LABOR DAY ALREADY it feels like the beginning of summer was seven years ago at this point.

But we’ve finally reached September. And September brings good things. Like long weekends and music and a celebration of the day I made the best decision of my life.

In other news…

I’ve been on a Tonic kick lately.

And by kick, I mean listening to the same five songs on repeat.

For reasons.

(You Wanted More by Tonic)

It’s the Singer Not the Song

Something to say?