Sentimental heart…

Week 91… December. I finished FFXIV: Endwalker Hoo boy. I have feelings. I cried. As much as I am capable of crying since Zoloft killed my ability to do so. But Jeezy Creezy. EMOTIONS and LOTS OF THEM. What’s next for this story? Who the fuck knows? The the meantime, we’ll check in with the stats. — Top 10 Most Played Artists for November 2021… 1.) Brandon Flowers … 444 plays 2.) The Killers… Keep reading…Sentimental heart…

Roll down the smoke screen…

Week 88…?…89…?…??? Whatever it’s November 30th. We have two more days to get through this week and then we’re on vacation for ten days. We were supposed to be on vacation the whole week of Thanksgiving, but the launch of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker got delayed by two weeks so here we are. In the meantime it’s just listening to questionable playlists on repeat and indulging Basil with all his latest WHATIF-ing. He seems to… Keep reading…Roll down the smoke screen…

That vague and distant void…

Hurtling towards the end of October and Week 83?…84? We turned off the air conditioning for the last time on October 10th and turned on the furnace for the first time on October 25th. Air conditioning to furnace in two weeks. My sinuses are already protesting the dry air in the mornings—cruddy and inflamed and…colorful. FNEH. I had things planned to write but it’s four-something in the morning and sleep ain’t happening and fuck if… Keep reading…That vague and distant void…

Hey shut-up…

It is 80-some-odd-fucking degrees. We had to turn the A/C back on because it was humid and gross in the house. It’s September 30th. In Minnesota. Snow in April is normal. Air conditioning at the end of September is not. Week 80. FNEH. We had two separate four-day weekends in September. Bob took an extra day for Labor Day and then Friday/Monday for the weekend of our anniversary. The Friday of that weekend we actually… Keep reading…Hey shut-up…


  R: If [Ladyhawke] happened to us, we’d be a penguin and a bear. S:      — Way back in the beginning of our relationship we spent a lot of time just watching movies. (And also pausing a lot of movies to make out for awhile because new relationship, wild hormones, yadda, yadda, yadda.) We don’t watch nearly as many movies as we used to. (Nor do we stop them to make out all the… Keep reading…Twelve…

No need to analyze…

August is almost over and I actually considered just saying FUCKIT to the July stats, but here we are. Week 75…76…whatever… Everything is still shitty so we’re still counting weeks. Anyway. It has actually rained a few times in the last week (there is a whole lot of rumbling thunder as I type) so the humidity is up to make the incessant 80/90-something temperatures more disgusting. But the extended forecast is promising a drop… Keep reading…No need to analyze…