Slipping in and out of focus…

TL;DR — Sara says FUCK a lot. July. There’s a four-letter word if there ever was one. According to my computer it is 9:17 AM on July 26th. And since this is the lead-in to the monthly stats for June, the fact that it’s almost August should tell you how great of a month July has been for my brain. NOT GOOD, KIDS. It’s Week 70…ish. Are we still counting weeks? When do we… Keep reading…Slipping in and out of focus…

It’s a coin toss…

It’s June. It’s Week 64…ish. It is ungodly o’clock in the middle of the night as I type this and it is STILL EIGHTY FUCKING DEGREES outside. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this (I have. Countless times.), but I fucking hate summer so goddamn much. (I’m not the only one.) It’s not even officially summer yet, and we’re in the middle of a week-long hellscape of ninety-some-odd-fucking-degree temperatures and I am unfathomably angry… Keep reading…It’s a coin toss…

This crumbling world’s stuck…

May. Week 60. I don’t even know anymore. This month marks ten years since we moved into our house. Say what now? We still haven’t painted the walls or replaced the shitty carpet, but we’ll burn that bridge when we get there. This weekend is the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival. Back in February they announced the next expansion for “Fall 2021” and showed the teaser trailer. Now they’ve announced the release date as November… Keep reading…This crumbling world’s stuck…

Thinking way too much…

April. Week 56…ish… We have surpassed one full year since Bob started working from home because of a Global Fucking Pandemic. I did consider making a post on Week 52 to…commemorate?…the occasion and then I didn’t. And now it’s four weeks later. Whatever. I’m tired. Really fucking tired. We’ve been under curfew and warnings of protests and riots in the area with our phones lighting up and blasting alarms with emergency alerts over and over… Keep reading…Thinking way too much…

Trash can dream…

March. Week 50. We are two weeks away from the one year mark of when Bob started working from home because of a Global Fucking Pandemic. What. The Actual. Fuck. Anyway. The thing about making a habit of only posting once a month as a lead-in to my monthly stats, is that even when I feel like I have something else to write about, I feel like I need to preface it with some… Keep reading…Trash can dream…

Lack of motivation…

February. Week 46. My brain is complete mush. No-no, more than usual. I spent most of January battling shitty insomnia until my body said FUCK THIS SHIT and knocked me down hard. But a forced hard reset seems to have shifted my sleep back into something almost resembling that of a normal human, so…I guess I’ll take it while it lasts. The same thing happened at the beginning of last year, but it gradually slipped… Keep reading…Lack of motivation…