Just a certain extent…

I moved around a bunch of directories on my domain, broke every single image link, ran some mySQL scripts to fix it (scripts? queries? code?), changed a few more directories, ran a separate plugin to fix that, entered the wrong information that I couldn’t undo and had to manually fix a few dozen posts, then manually updated every single post to get the featured images to update properly. I combed through two defunct subdomains that… Keep reading…Just a certain extent…

Maybe not so much…

Brain Dump: Writing About Writing… Every time I think I have successfully refocused my brain to work on a given story, Basil leans on my shoulder all, Yeah proud of you, but how ’bout this one? But he doesn’t usually have any sort of useful inspiration to offer for working on that one, but it’s enough of a distraction to derail what focus I had on the other one and the cycle begins anew. I… Keep reading…Maybe not so much…

No need to analyze…

August is almost over and I actually considered just saying FUCKIT to the July Last.fm stats, but here we are. Week 75…76…whatever… Everything is still shitty so we’re still counting weeks. Anyway. It has actually rained a few times in the last week (there is a whole lot of rumbling thunder as I type) so the humidity is up to make the incessant 80/90-something temperatures more disgusting. But the extended forecast is promising a drop… Keep reading…No need to analyze…

Swinging at smoke…

Writing is hard. It’s a very cyclical thing for me. It moves along in stages. What those stages are, how long they last, and whether or not I recognize them as they’re happening all vary on a case by case basis. Right now I’m in the JFC everything is crap stage. It happens. I’ve spent a lot of time staring at my writing folder—like I do—trying to discern what I should be working on. Truth… Keep reading…Swinging at smoke…

Headache from the night before…

Writer’s block. Yes, we’re still on this. … Staring at my writing folder, mulling over projects that have been sitting there mocking me for months, wondering if I start poking at them with sharper sticks, they’ll respond. … Reading through projects I haven’t touched in awhile, remembering why I loved them so much in the first place. Thinking I should really get back to working on them and…I got nothin’. … Looking at one project… Keep reading…Headache from the night before…

One by one they drive me crazy…

Wherein Sara babbles, at great length, about the writing projects currently burning holes in her brain. In other words, none of it will make any sense to anyone but me, and even I probably won’t understand any of it either. … … … There are times I sit and stare at the projects sitting in my writing folder and find myself wondering what the hell all these code names mean. So many of them have… Keep reading…One by one they drive me crazy…