One by one they drive me crazy…

Wherein Sara babbles, at great length, about the writing projects currently burning holes in her brain. In other words, none of it will make any sense to anyone but me, and even I probably won’t understand any of it either. … … … There are times I sit and stare at the projects sitting in my writing folder and find myself wondering what the hell all these code names mean. So many of them have… Keep reading…One by one they drive me crazy…

Dreamweaver…part two…

I hate when dreams make sense. There’s this bizarre phenomenon that occurs sometimes wherein I dream about one of my story projects as the story is happening and it’s all very real. It doesn’t usually have the same cracked-out elements of a typical dream, things make sense. While things tend to be slightly different than how they’re being written in reality, they play out in the dream in a way that isn’t all that unfathomable…. Keep reading…Dreamweaver…part two…


Several weeks ago I had this convoluted dream. I was yanked from sleep by Bob’s alarm so I don’t know where it ended and when I gained some semblance of coherence I thought to myself, “I seriously need to quit smoking crack before bed.” As I drifted in and out of sleep as Bob got ready for work that day, I mulled over the details of that dream, most of which escape me now, and… Keep reading…Dreamweaver…