All the mess we’re in…

Writing is hard. Yes, we’re on this again. It’s two-something in the morning as I write this and I’m not even close to being tired enough to go to bed. Which is great because I have an appointment at 10:15 and I’ll be good and exhausted for that. I had a surge of bad anxiety hit right before bedtime and…here we sit. The obnoxious thing about it, is it was mostly innocuous nonsense that spiked… Keep reading…All the mess we’re in…

Damn these days…

Insomnia and anxiety are great, I don’t know what you’re talking about. There are so many things I could be writing about, but they’re not getting written because I just don’t have the mental fortitude for it. I write plenty of posts dumping out raw emotions that never get published. They just sit in the drafts folder never to see the light of day. It feels better to purge my brain, and everything I write… Keep reading…Damn these days…

Swinging at smoke…

Writing is hard. It’s a very cyclical thing for me. It moves along in stages. What those stages are, how long they last, and whether or not I recognize them as they’re happening all vary on a case by case basis. Right now I’m in the JFC everything is crap stage. It happens. I’ve spent a lot of time staring at my writing folder—like I do—trying to discern what I should be working on. Truth… Keep reading…Swinging at smoke…

Can’t remember all the details…

Writing is a weird beast. You’d think after two-thirds of my life, I’d learn to just roll with it, but it continually serves to boggle my mind. I get these elaborate essays built up in my head, but when I sit down to write it out, it’s just an epic disaster of incoherence. And…I think I just came up with a new tagline for my writing. Ahem. Anyway. I’m writing new things. And by “new”… Keep reading…Can’t remember all the details…

Can’t remember a warm December…

…wait… It’s been raining…a lot…so…warm December it is. Minnesota. Rain. December. What. Anyway. No. Wait. I just looked out the window and it’s snowing. Joy. We took my ring in for its regular six-month inspection and they found a loose stone, so they had to send it out for repair. I am without my wedding ring for over two weeks. I don’t realize how much I fidget with my ring until I’m not wearing it…. Keep reading…Can’t remember a warm December…

Headache from the night before…

Writer’s block. Yes, we’re still on this. … Staring at my writing folder, mulling over projects that have been sitting there mocking me for months, wondering if I start poking at them with sharper sticks, they’ll respond. … Reading through projects I haven’t touched in awhile, remembering why I loved them so much in the first place. Thinking I should really get back to working on them and…I got nothin’. … Looking at one project… Keep reading…Headache from the night before…