Swinging at smoke…

Writing is hard. It’s a very cyclical thing for me. It moves along in stages. What those stages are, how long they last, and whether or not I recognize them as they’re happening all vary on a case by case basis. Right now I’m in the JFC everything is crap stage. It happens. I’ve spent a lot of time staring at my writing folder—like I do—trying to discern what I should be working on. Truth… Keep reading…Swinging at smoke…

Can’t remember all the details…

Writing is a weird beast. You’d think after two-thirds of my life, I’d learn to just roll with it, but it continually serves to boggle my mind. I get these elaborate essays built up in my head, but when I sit down to write it out, it’s just an epic disaster of incoherence. And…I think I just came up with a new tagline for my writing. Ahem. Anyway. I’m writing new things. And by “new”… Keep reading…Can’t remember all the details…