Lost a bit of solid ground…

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve opened up a draft here and stared at the blank, white expanse for an indeterminate amount of time, then proceeded to close out the tab without touching the keyboard. I’ve been hacking and slashing at this post in particular for over a week now. Parts are irrelevant at this point, but it’s six-something in the morning and I’ve been awake since four-ish. Irrelevant sounds perfectly fine at the… Keep reading…Lost a bit of solid ground…

Swinging at smoke…

Writing is hard. It’s a very cyclical thing for me. It moves along in stages. What those stages are, how long they last, and whether or not I recognize them as they’re happening all vary on a case by case basis. Right now I’m in the JFC everything is crap stage. It happens. I’ve spent a lot of time staring at my writing folder—like I do—trying to discern what I should be working on. Truth… Keep reading…Swinging at smoke…

Nothing but time…

The internet was down for most of the day. Because it’s Century Link and providing internet service that works is not in their contract. In all that time the internet was down, I kept trying to access the internet, frustrated that I couldn’t check in on my usual haunts. When the internet came back up and I opened Firefox, I realized I should have just stayed off the fucking internet. BECAUSE SERIOUSLY. Instead of internet…(and… Keep reading…Nothing but time…