One eye on the clock…

Sleep has been an elusive little bastard lately. Though that detail seems a little irrelevant at this moment. I started writing this in the middle of the night, but now I’m editing it in the middle of the afternoon. Because I am efficient like that. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve started and deleted this post in the last twenty-four hours. (More like forty-eight at this point.) In part because I’ve been in a… Keep reading…One eye on the clock…

One by one they drive me crazy…

Wherein Sara babbles, at great length, about the writing projects currently burning holes in her brain. In other words, none of it will make any sense to anyone but me, and even I probably won’t understand any of it either. … … … There are times I sit and stare at the projects sitting in my writing folder and find myself wondering what the hell all these code names mean. So many of them have… Keep reading…One by one they drive me crazy…