Just a certain extent…

I moved around a bunch of directories on my domain, broke every single image link, ran some mySQL scripts to fix it (scripts? queries? code?), changed a few more directories, ran a separate plugin to fix that, entered the wrong information that I couldn’t undo and had to manually fix a few dozen posts, then manually updated every single post to get the featured images to update properly. I combed through two defunct subdomains that… Keep reading…Just a certain extent…

Weapon of choice…

September. Week 129. Is it relevant to still count weeks? I don’t know. Whatever. September 1st hit and the internet proclaimed that SUMMER IS OVER and IT’S FALL and Bitch, it is EIGHTY-SEVEN DEGREES with a heat index of NINETY. The forecast keeps claiming the temperature is going to drop and when that time rolls around, the temperature does not drop. When I can turn off the A/C and the multiple fans for the last… Keep reading…Weapon of choice…