Away from this place…

Summer lasted an eternity and my mental state took a brutal beating.

September arrived, bringing hoodie weather and other good things, but the news cycle somehow felt even more dire than it has been these last two years and I am not processing it well at all, no matter how much I try to limit and filter things down.

I have exactly zero faith that the “Blue Wave” will happen, or solve anything if it does, but I have to have at least some hope that I’m wrong this time.

I keep trying to write here, but I feel like I can’t write anything that doesn’t have to do with current world events and that is the very last thing I would ever want to write about here, so instead I write nothing. I’ve been writing other things, bits and pieces at least, but it all feels like pointless drivel.

No, no—more than usual.



…) I made shortbread cookies for the first time and they were everything I’d hoped they’d be and better. It’s a good thing I’m lazy and don’t bake often because I could eat the whole damn batch in one sitting. Or at least half of it, because Bob would eat the other half.

…) We saw O.A.R. and Matt Nathanson play at Mystic Lake and oh my heart I just love them all beyond logic and reason.

…) Matt Nathanson put out a new album and I have FEELINGS about it that warrant their own post. We’ll see if it gets written.

…) Semisonic released a 20th Anniversary edition of Feeling Strangely Fine and I have entirely different feelings about this, but I still love that album.

…) Every time I select tags for a post, I realize I have way too many post tags, and spend a good amount of time thinking about how to pare it down, but I so rarely have the mental bandwidth to actually do it. (Technically they’re categories but I don’t like the way WordPress displays tags vs categories and what is even the difference anyway?)

…) It’s two-something in the morning and re-reading this post for the six dozenth time, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t be arsed to care about run-on sentences or proper comma usage.

…) Our tree is now completely bare, save for a few straggler leaves, but it was fantastic at its peak.


Gavin DeGraw

Something to say?