All the mess we’re in…

Writing is hard. Yes, we’re on this again. It’s two-something in the morning as I write this and I’m not even close to being tired enough to go to bed. Which is great because I have an appointment at 10:15 and I’ll be good and exhausted for that. I had a surge of bad anxiety hit right before bedtime and…here we sit. The obnoxious thing about it, is it was mostly innocuous nonsense that spiked… Keep reading…All the mess we’re in…

Always the same…

There is a never-ending shitstorm of bad news from an administration hellbent on destroying people’s lives. Anyone with a single shred of basic human decency can see it. There is a loud consensus as of late that if you’re not publicly screeching about what’s going on in the world, you’re contributing to the problem. If you’re not filling your Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/[insert social media platform of choice] feeds with outrage, you are helping the opposition. Silence equals… Keep reading…Always the same…

Between the lines…

I keep opening up WordPress and staring at my dashboard thinking I need to write something, but mostly I just hear a lot of screaming inside my head. This is because I usually just read the latest headline regarding a certain deranged, blaze orange, narcissistic game show host who’s about to be given free reign over nuclear weapons and all his willfully ignorant and deranged cult followers. But I don’t want to talk about that…. Keep reading…Between the lines…

Damn these days…

Insomnia and anxiety are great, I don’t know what you’re talking about. There are so many things I could be writing about, but they’re not getting written because I just don’t have the mental fortitude for it. I write plenty of posts dumping out raw emotions that never get published. They just sit in the drafts folder never to see the light of day. It feels better to purge my brain, and everything I write… Keep reading…Damn these days…

Swinging at smoke…

Writing is hard. It’s a very cyclical thing for me. It moves along in stages. What those stages are, how long they last, and whether or not I recognize them as they’re happening all vary on a case by case basis. Right now I’m in the JFC everything is crap stage. It happens. I’ve spent a lot of time staring at my writing folder—like I do—trying to discern what I should be working on. Truth… Keep reading…Swinging at smoke…

Over and under…

Writing is hard. I’m still in a bit of recovery mode after my mental meltdown over one single writing project. And while we’ve had a few moments of mild reprieve from gross summer weather, I’m still feeling the effects of SAD. Though I do have a little bit more of a handle on the anxiety that has been all-consuming now that I know where it’s been coming from. Getting back to writing after an inadvertent… Keep reading…Over and under…