Making it a slow night…

Back in my days of Live Journal living, I had half a dozen side journals I played around with. (Give or take. I can’t remember without looking it up and I’m lazy.) On one of them I posted random pictures and my weekly stats. I tried to recreate that with a subdomain here a few years ago, but it sputtered out pretty fast because I kept forgetting about it. (See also: Lazy) So far… Keep reading…Making it a slow night…

Caught in a joyride…

  Or just in general… S: I just did a Windows update. Now I’m doing an iTunes update. R: Wow. You really wanna fuck things up, don’t you? Why are you suddenly feeling so masochistic? S: I tend to make bad decisions when I’m overheated. — Fair enough… S: You would think after all this time, iTunes would— R: Uh-uh. S: Good point. R: All you had to say was iTunes. — There are no… Keep reading…Caught in a joyride…

Never been here before…

So are we gonna give in? What happens if we fall? — I keep digging around in the drafts folder (20 posts) looking for material to use. There’s this one that I keep circling back to as it’s actually complete, but completely irrelevant. I wrote a whole thing about a couple of story projects that were at the forefront of the moment, and it was a decent, complete post, but I didn’t publish it at… Keep reading…Never been here before…

Standing in the dark…

It’s offensive-something-o’clock in the middle of the night and I’m sitting at my desk in the dark with a mug of room-temperature tea. As I’m writing this, the oldest post on the main page of ye olde blog is my Year in Review survey for 2016. Which means I’ve only published ten posts in 2017. If I actually post this one, it will finally push that one to the next page. But still. That’s pathetic…. Keep reading…Standing in the dark…

Standing right here…

I currently have twenty-six posts sitting in drafts. There are a few that are mostly finished, but I have no intention of posting. Things I’ve written that I thought I wanted to dump into the ether, but once it was on the page I no longer felt compelled to press publish. I keep them because it felt better getting it out of my head. It’s the closest thing I have to a private journal these… Keep reading…Standing right here…

Caught in a one-way street…

I didn’t make a single post in the month of May and we’re already approaching the end of June. Generally in the long stretches between posts, I start, revisit, abandon, and/or delete half a dozen drafts trying to come up with something to write that doesn’t make me want to bang my head against the wall. This time around… I don’t think I even really opened WordPress. I’ve barely been writing anything. I started this… Keep reading…Caught in a one-way street…