30 Days of Blogging…Day 2…

30 Days of Blogging…

Day 2: Your Favorite Movie

I don’t have just one favorite movie. Does anybody really have just one favorite movie? Really? I have several. So I picked four of my very favorites.

1.) The Breakfast Club … I have seen this movie more times than any other movie. I can quote it line for line.

2.) The Cutting Edge … One of my very favorite romantic comedies. I still get a giddy pit in my stomach at the end.

3.) Newsies … The movie that spawned my fangirl crush on Christian Bale from a very young age. Also, I can sing all the songs.

4.) Dirty Dancing … Oh I loved this movie from an age when I was far too young to be watching it. The forbidden love, the dancing, and the soundtrack—music of the 60’s is probably some of the best music ever produced.

1 thought on “30 Days of Blogging…Day 2…

  1. Are you watching Jennifer Gray on Dancing with the Stars? She is doing good and she is a favorite with fans because of that movie which might give her an edge to win.

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