30 Days of Blogging…Day 6…

30 Days of Blogging…

Day 6: 20 of Your Favorite Things…

This was more difficult than it should have been. Mental blocks: I am the queen. I don’t think the intention was to put pictures with the list of things. But I’m an overachiever. Or crazy. I think just crazy.

1.) Giant Frog
2.) caramel filled chocolate of just about any variety
3.) Eeyore
4.) my computer
5.) music in my ears
6.) Moogles…Kupo-po!
7.) dragons
8.) video games, especially playing said games with my Bob
9.) writing
10.) sleep, even when it’s an elusive snit, I still love sleep
11.) photography, I make no claims to be good at it, but I love to play around with it
12.) my wedding ring, I sit and stare at it all the time
13.) Bath & Body Works Sweet Pea body spray
14.) Yankee Candle Garden Lilac…smells like real lilacs
15.) Bernie the plant…he’s my very first plant and he’s turning into Jungle!Bernie!
16.) Dragon Age: Origins…I’ve never invested so much time into a single game before. LOVE.
17.) the color blue
18.) Potato Oles from Taco Johns…mmm…
19.) Caribou Smoothies…oh yes…
20.) designing houses…part of me wanted to be an architect

(If you click the pictures you can see bigger versions…because you’re really missing out otherwise…you know you are.)






Something to say?