30 Days of Blogging…Day 18…

30 Days of Blogging…

Day 18: Your Wedding/Future Wedding/Past Wedding…

If you didn’t already know…*snirk* there’s like—four of you and you all know me…Bob and I got married September 19, 2009. We were married by a judge at the Normandale Japanese Garden with four guests (two sets of parents) and a photographer. Anything bigger for the ceremony would have more than likely sent me into a full-blown anxiety attack. And no—I am not exaggerating—at all.

It was perfect for US.

I had a lot of pictures to choose from. I could have posted them all. I never get tired of looking at them. I picked this particular picture for a few reasons. It’s a little schmoopy—Bob and I are A LOT schmoopy. This kissy-kissy business is something we NEVER get tired of. It’s a nice view of my dress and I loved my dress—my mom made it for me, making it that much more special. It’s one of the pictures that is just so very US.

Something to say?