Waiting on a cue…

1.) It’s November. What. The hell.

2.) The first Winter! Storm! Watch! of the season has been issued. Joy. (And by “joy” I mean “EFFFF UUUUUUUUUUU”)

3.) Took Joel in for an oil change. He needs a new battery and a new alternator. ZOMG!YAY! (And by “ZOMG!YAY!” I mean “Goddammit, Joel.”)

4.) There was some other bullet point I was going to write here, but my mind went completely blank on what it was by the time I typed the “)”.

5.) I noticed the other day my WordPress theme had been updated and was waiting to be installed. So I clicked the button. That was a mistake. It wasn’t just a style sheet FUBAR like the last time the theme was updated. No. It was changed to a different theme entirely with the same name. After much cursing, I was able to revert it back to its proper format and refuse to update the damn theme ever again.

6.) Writing things on the newest project and filling out a comprehensive timeline. On paper. The amount of agonizing I’ve done over dates is a bit ridiculous, but I need this shit to make sense over here. Even if nobody else sees this timeline ever.

7.) There is something that is slightly thicker than rain happening outside my window right now. Joy. (And by “joy” … see list item number two.)

Over My Head (Cable Car)
The Fray

Something to say?