Too many nights…

Schools were closed yesterday because there was a windchill of twenty below. Actual temperatures were around minus two.

It’s interesting to me how things have changed in the almost two decades since I was in school. I grew up in a district that was ALWAYS the last to close school for anything. Snow had to be deep enough on the roads that buses could literally not get through. And if it was cold, the only way things closed was if the governor shut down the entire state. When that happened the temperature was minus twenty and the windchill was minus forty.

Now they shut down if they think the windchill might get into double digits below zero.

Except Burnsville. They’re still the last to close. But even they were closed yesterday.

I don’t argue that sub zero temperatures are dangerous, but I think they’ve been jumping the gun on school closings—and subsequently complaining that they’ve used too many snow days. Kids these days can’t be exposed to anything that might make them uncomfortable. It might hurt their feelings.


Speaking of face-splitting cold…

Wind burn from said face splitting cold?

Or allergic reaction?

I’m assuming the former, but would not be the least bit surprised by the latter.

This is what my face looked like most of the day yesterday. It cropped up sometime in the middle of the night after I woke up. I was sitting at my desk and noticed my face felt hot and my eyes were burning like I’d been doing a lot of crying. I went to investigate in the mirror and found bright red, puffy, blotchy cheeks.

I had no idea if it was a delayed reaction to the painful (face-splitting cold) wind we’d been subjected to post grocery shopping or if I was having a reaction to something.

Considering my face reacts dramatically to practically anything that touches it (Thanks Proactiv Solution!) I would not have been the least bit surprised it was an allergy. But I didn’t have any other symptoms to suggest allergy. Especially one that severe. My money is on the wind. It was really fucking painful. Shockingly so.

The redness and swelling tamed down by the end of the day and seems fine now.

And despite getting the same exposure I did, Bob had no visible reaction to the wind.

Go figure.

My face is just special apparently.

Crazy Lucky
Better Than Ezra

Something to say?