You know you want to hire me…

I have been put in charge of planning baby shower games. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

A.) I am so not a party planner. I just got done “planning” my wedding reception. The plan? “Here’s FOOD. EAT IT.”

B.) My idea of a good time is being holed-up in my cave with Bob playing video games and being snarky about stupid people.

C.) I don’t even know the people who will be attending this baby shower. Sure the mother-to-be is my [future] sister-in-law, but the majority of people attending are her co-workers and/or friends, whom I have never met and know nothing about. Are they party game players? Are they sticks in the mud?

I have participated in throwing a few baby showers in the past. I have two nephews and a niece and I once worked in an office that was almost all women, but those parties focused mostly on food and presents and conversation. Also I wasn’t really put in charge of anything.

I’ve been scouring the intarwebz for baby shower game ideas the past few days, a lot of these websites actually expect you to buy their crap without any actual information on it. And the rest of them have all the same recycled ideas. There seem to be two roads to take when it comes to baby shower games. The highly interactive games for the parties with huge crowds of people that require a lot of ambition and MONEY to set up and execute. Or worksheets.

Welcome to the baby shower kids, we’re doing WORKSHEETS.

Because that’s how I entertain.

HEY—at least I’m DESIGNING these worksheets and making them kind of cute and baby-showery looking so they’re not just plain black text on plain white paper.

Now I just need the printer to cooperate and not give me the finger when I actually try to print said worksheets as it is wont to do. Because the printer totally hates me.

1 thought on “You know you want to hire me…

  1. I cant stand the fact of this baby shower thing. I dont want any part of it. I know Marci and Ann are mad at me for that. I feel bad but Josh told me I shouldnt. I feel exactly like you do. Now I dont care anymore. I dont know these people nor do I care for them. My idea of good time is food and people I know like you and Bob. And yes I do like to make snarky comments about stupid people.

Something to say?