Cut from a magazine…

I’m down to the last few pills of Strattera. Which means I have been on this med for two months now. I was supposed to give it four to six weeks to see results. The results of this prescription?


Failed prescription number SEVEN.

I don’t currently have an appointment scheduled with my psychiatrist. I keep forgetting to call. I’ll need to make one before the month is over because I’m out of refills on my other meds. I don’t think I’m going to notice anything once I run out of the Strattera…other than an end to the mild cotton mouth I’ve been experiencing since I’ve been on it. And perhaps my pupils will return to a normal size instead of being widely dilated in even the brightest of light.

I’m frustrated. I am so incredibly frustrated. That’s the best I can explain it at this point. The complete lack of results from seven different prescriptions has me almost convinced I’m not going to see results from anything. I’m about to start banging my head against the wall over here. Maybe it’ll knock things into the proper place up there. Or maybe knock things out of place enough for me not to care anymore.

In other news…

Bob’s brother Joe (as opposed to my brother Joe) has been fighting off a bad run-in with MRSA. Apparently he picked it up as a wrestler back in high school—over ten years ago. Something triggered it to flare up and attack and he’s been in rough shape for…three? weeks now. They originally though it was just a typical staph infection he likely picked up from being at the hospital with Anne, but he just kept getting worse and ended up in the hospital for a few days where they finally figured out it was MRSA. He’s finally on the upswing now, but having a brand new baby at home has caused a huge problem with the situation. MRSA is pretty much guaranteed to be fatal to newborns, so Anne and Tristan have been staying with us for the past week to keep Tristan safe and healthy. It’s been rough on their little family being split up, Joe having to be completely separated from Tristan, and Anne having to deal with being away from Joe, him being sick, compounding with her post-pregnancy hormones, they’ve had a lot of stress going on. Little Tristan had his circumcision this week and because of the healing incision, it’s into sometime next week before he can really safely be back around Joe.

On a positive note, it’s given the rest of us around here a lot of bonding time with Baby Tristan. He’s absolutely precious and adorable. It’s hard to believe he’s already a month old. Big, brown, and furry Moon hasn’t been the happiest of puppies with the baby around, she’s been awfully jealous and a little on the defiant side, but she’ll learn to love Tristan eventually. Especially once he starts eating real food and learns it’s fun to throw it on the floor and feed the big puppy.

Auntie Sara’s shoulder is incredibly comfortable…zzzzzz…

Enough with the pictures already, lady!

Baby Noggins = magnets for kisses.

Broken Lover
Ingram Hill

1 thought on “Cut from a magazine…

  1. I’m sorry that none of the scrips for the ADHD have worked yet. What about some non-prescription stuff?
    I’m thinking Magnesium, vitamin D, food intollerances, stuff like that.
    You can get vitamin D supplements, drops are easy to take–I buy mine from my Chiropractor’s office.
    Magnesium is easy, too…buy some Epsom salt, and dissolve about 2 cups in a nice hot bath. Soak for as long as you like. Your body will actually absorb the magnesium from the bath.
    I know you struggle with being able to cook fresh food, with the kitchen situation you have, but if you try for a couple weeks, at least, to eliminate certain ingredients (gluten, dairy, artificial colors, I don’t know what else) one at a time and see if that makes a difference. Talk to Jenn about that, I think she has some good ideas.
    I know it’s a pain to try to find the one thing that makes a difference, but if you could try that many medications, and keep trying, you can try some of these. They might help, might not, but it can’t hurt to try.
    Also, getting your spine alligned right could help. If nothing else, it helps you feel better physically, which could have the downstream effect of helping you feel better mentally.
    I do hope you’re able to sort all this stuff out, and get to a point where you’re feeling well.
    You’ve already come a long way, don’t loose sight of that.

    I hope Josh gets well soon. I love seeing the pictures of the baby…so cute!

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