30 Days of Blogging…Day 12…

30 Days of Blogging…

Day 12: Something You are OCD Obsessive About…

Correcting questionable meme wording. I hate it when people claim to be “OCD” about things when they don’t actually have OCD. If I had OCD, I would probably find it a little offensive to hear people throw the term around so freely. Much like when I hear people throw around the phrase “I’m really ADD about…” I find it incredibly irritating. Being that I actually have ADD, and you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.


Actually, what I’m incredibly obsessive about are the blankets on the bed. One thing I do every single day is make the bed. I might not accomplish anything else in my day, but I make the bed everyday. Because I cannot stand to get into a bed with messy blankets. For me, it’s the equivalent of sleeping in a straight jacket. Getting into a bed with messy blankets is so constricting and uncomfortable I almost have a panic attack. I’m pretty sure it has everything to do with the hypersensitivity I deal with due to having ADHD.

I’m a headcase.

I have never denied this.


Something to say?