30 Days of Blogging…Day 12…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 12: Something You are OCD Obsessive About… Correcting questionable meme wording. I hate it when people claim to be “OCD” about things when they don’t actually have OCD. If I had OCD, I would probably find it a little offensive to hear people throw the term around so freely. Much like when I hear people throw around the phrase “I’m really ADD about…” I find it incredibly irritating. Being that… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 12…


I got about three hours of sleep, woke up and stared at the clock for over an hour willing myself to go back to sleep, or at least stay in bed. And then I got up. Because tonight, the gears were turning. The gears are always turning, but tonight they were in overdrive. Serious overdrive. I’m mostly churning on writing ideas, but there has been a lot of random…bwuh?…thrown in for good measure. This is… Keep reading…Blink…blink…