30 Days of Blogging…Day 25…

30 Days of Blogging…

Day 25: Your Day, in Great Detail…

Today specifically? Or an average day in the life of me? Regardless…I am amused. Because describing my day in great detail could very well be the most boring blog post of all time. I’m just being honest.

The Average Day in the Life of Me…

Bob’s alarm goes off at 5:00…AM. He hits snooze two or three times before he gets out of bed, depending on how tired he is and gets up to get ready for work. He’s out the door by 5:45 to start work at 6:00 and I’m left to my own devices for the rest of the day. I usually stay up after he leaves, unless I’ve had a particularly rough night of sleep. I turn on the TV (the Investigation Discovery channel) for background noise, but don’t usually pay much attention to it—considering they repeat the same freaking shows all the time and I’ve seen them all. Then I hit the computer. I dink around on the internet…doing nothing productive. Sometimes by mid-morning I take a nap. Sometimes I stay awake all day. Everyday I look around the bedroom, bathroom, and closet and cringe at the holy-royal disaster and run down the list of everything that I should be doing to clean up this pit. Then I get distracted and forget what I was just thinking about. This happens numerous times a day. I have no attention span.

Before I know it…it’s 2:00 and I haven’t taken a shower yet. Bob’s supposed to be done with work at 2:30. On a normal day he gets home between 2:45 and 3:00. When it’s busy…he could be home at any hour after that. Yay for overtime pay. Boo! Hiss! for working late. But when I realize the time I finally get in the shower.

None of this is deliberate. It’s the way things are as I work to get my head straightened out.


I guess it’s not entirely true that my internet activities are “nothing productive,” because I do spend a lot of time looking up information on all of my mental health issues. I tend to see it as unproductive because I have not had any success with anything I’ve found and tried thus far. I’ve only found a metric fuckton of what DOESN’T WORK. I am so very, very, VERY frustrated.

Once Bob gets home, we snuggle, contemplate dinner plans, and our evenings are pretty typical. If we have errands to run, we go as soon as he gets home from work and grab dinner while we’re out. Otherwise, we watch movies, catch up on the handful of TV shows we occasionally watch, play video games, tinker on our respective computers, or cuddle in bed just talking and being inane together. We usually try to go to bed by 9:30 since Bob gets up so early.

We don’t like to go out. We are both very much homebodies and are perfectly content to sit at home and lounge around every night of the week. If you think that’s boring…that’s your problem, you judgmental ass.

And that is pretty much every day of my week.

Something to say?