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My foot is buzzing. I am about three seconds from cutting it off. Topamax…it’s times like this that I hate you so much.

I got a SAD light. It’s called a Happy Lite (Hur Dur). I’m pretty sure it’s burning my retinas even on the low setting.

We bought dark chocolate truffles at Costco. Serving size is 5 truffles and there are 20 grams of fat per serving. SWEET JESUS THEY ARE SO WORTH IT.

I’ve been trying to write a blog post for several days, but it keeps turning into an all-out bitch fest. So I keep deleting them. Because prelude to Hell Week is not a good time to blog about things that piss me off. (Or perhaps it is prime time to blog about such things. I do not need to blog about such things.) I’m not even trying to blog about things that piss me off. It just keeps turning out that way.

I can tell the air is drying out. Because my skin is drying out. No matter how much lotion I use—I am freaking ITCHY. Can’t. Stop. Scratching.

I need to decide what we’re having for dinner. MAKING DECISIONS IS NOT MY STRONG SUIT.

I still need to write up today’s 30 Days of Blogging post. However, the topic is “my week in great detail”…I’m really tempted to just copy yesterday’s post and add…”Lather, Rinse, Repeat” to the end of it. Because really…it would be easier than rewriting the same thing over again. Because that really is my week in great detail. My life is just that exciting. You are totally jealous.

I keep seeing advertisements for a reality show miniseries featuring Bat-Shit-Crazy Sarah Palin. FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK WHY!?!??!?!????????

I’m really getting sick of all of these charitable causes that plead, “it’s only $xx.xx a day,” and telling me I’m a horrible person for not supporting them because I have to have my Starbucks coffee everyday. You know what? I don’t even drink coffee and I’ve never been to Starbucks. And your daily charitable donation demands cost more than my monthly prescriptions. So go pander to someone who can afford you.

Bob just showed me that there is a trailer for a Justin Bieber DOCUMENTARY. Again I must ask, FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK WHY!?!?!!??????????????

The idea of a Rocky Horror episode of Glee is wrong on so many levels I kind of want to start hucking rocks at people.

Bob and I watched the movie RocknRolla. It’s a Gerard Butler movie…

Sorry…was thinking of the pretty. You also get a brief glimpse of his bare ass in this movie—I’m not sure why, but who am I to argue? He also uses his own Scottish accent…GUH. There is a character named Handsome Bob. Heh. Handsome Bob. And there are some fabulous moments between Gerard Butler and Handsome Bob. (My brain went to Rule 34 and then promptly broke.)…(What?)…*AHEM* Over all, I thought it was a good movie, has some funny parts, and it would have been worth the watch even without the lure of OneTwo.

We also watched How to Train Your Dragon. Mmmm…Gerard Butler. I mean—WHEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! DRAAAAAAAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!! I want my own Toothless dragon, plzkthxby.

Well…that was a bit of a train wreck wasn’t it?

Something to say?