Tick Tock…

Once upon a time we were supposed to close on a house on May 16th. That derailed and we had to find another house to buy. We still don’t have a closing date, but we do have a possession date. Thursday, May 12th, we take possession of what is going to be our house. Sunday May 15th, we move in to our house. The day before we would have closed on the other house. I’m… Keep reading…Tick Tock…

Show yourself out…

Landlord McDouchebag is likely going to work my last nerve until we are officially over and done with him—moved out, deposit returned, et al. Scheduling house showings on a SUNDAY is not helping his case in the least. Today when he brings his potential renters in, he is going to be greeted with the results of our packing labors. And it’s not going to be pretty and he’s just going to have to fucking deal… Keep reading…Show yourself out…