Need to break out…

Spam comments trying to sell me Cymbalta.


I was on Cymbalta once.


That shit set me back so far it was like I’d never make any progress at all.

Also it killed my sex drive to the point that the mere mention of the act made me want to scream and sob uncontrollably.

I wish I was exaggerating.


I was showered and dressed by 8:30 this morning. (On a SATURDAY!) The insurance adjuster was supposed to be here between 9 and 10 to look at my car. He called to reschedule for Monday because he has a sick kid. Such is life. We’ll get my poor Jetta fixed…someday.

Last night Bob took a gander at WordPress documentation and figured out how to display custom fields on my posts. I now have a “Now Playing” field on all my posts. At least on the ones that I filled out the field on.

This excites me far more than it probably should. But now there will be a reference to most of my post titles. Which is more for my benefit than anything because months down the road I’ll look at a post title, knowing it’s lyrics to a song, but half the time I can’t remember what the hell song it was from. Because I’m good like that.

There are a few snags with the code. One of which Bob can fix. One that is a WordPress blunder.

If there isn’t anything in the field, it still displays a partial icon in its place, so it looks kinda funky. Bob said he can fix that one.

The other problem is WordPress being stupid. If a post draft gets saved multiple times before it’s posted, WP has a tendency to duplicate the custom field, so it looks like I’m listening to the same thing multiple times at once.

And then it displays on the post that way. I guess it really drives the point home what I’m listening to. And really…if we’re being honest over here, Andy Grammer on repeat is not a very far stretch of the imagination by any means.

I went back through all 200-some posts to fix that. I think I got them all. The highest number was six on one post. If I had been paying attention, I would have take a screen shot of that one instead. I don’t remember what the song was, but I think it was actually not Andy Grammer. If you can believe that.

And I just figured out that it doesn’t display the field on the individual post page. There’s another piece of code that needs to be plunked in somewhere. Guess I’ll be bugging Robert some more to fix it for me.

Fascinating stuff up in this place.

Brand New Day
Ryan Star

Something to say?