A Year in Review…2018…


How a year can be both the LONGEST YEAR EVER and Where the Fuck Did the Time Go at the same time is beyond me, but here we are.

2019 is the Year of the Pig and Daisy is ON IT.

And yes I am aware that the Year of the [Animal] does not start with January 1st, it starts with the Chinese/Lunar New Year. I live my life by the New Year’s event in Final Fantasy XIV. That’s why I started adding this critter tidbit to these annual posts in the first place.

2011…The House…
2012…Denver and Andy Grammer…
2013…If it Ain’t One Thing…
2014…The Phantom Smoke Stench…
2015…WTF Day Is It…
2016…The Whole Gaddam World is on Fire…
2017…The Nose and OMFG WHAT NOW???

2018 was The Year of…I…Got Nothin’…

This was a hard year. There are many contributing factors to this, but man. It’s been the hardest year in a very long time. I found myself thinking a lot about ten years ago when 2008 was a REALLY HARD YEAR. That was the year I got fired from the Toxic Shit Hole (TM). I was diagnosed with ADHD. My dad had two strokes and brain surgery to repair an aneurysm. We didn’t endure any really life altering events like that this year, but every little thing has felt damn near insurmountable. I’m just really hoping things start moving in an upward trajectory soon, because I am fucking exhausted.


1.) Where did you ring in 2018?
At home, as usual. However if you ask me what we were doing? I could not tell you. I can say it wasn’t anything exciting, but I barely remember last week. I sure as shit don’t remember last January anymore. I’m starting to think I should change this question to be about the new New Year instead.

2.) What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before?
I attended my very first general admission concert. It was every bit as panic inducing and infuriating as I anticipated, but there are some loves worth suffering for. Within reason. I don’t know if or when I’ll be willing to do it again.

3.) Did you keep your new year’s resolutions and will you make more for next year?
Other people who fill out [some variation of] this survey every year write long, thought-out paragraphs for every question. And while brevity ain’t my strong suit, it seems to be the only way when it comes to these things.

4.) Did anyone close to you get engaged or married?
Not that I’m aware of. I don’t think I know many singles these days apparently.

5.) Did anyone close to you get pregnant or give birth?
One of my cousins (and his girlfriend) had his first in November.

6.) Did anyone close to you die?
We started the year with two funerals a week apart. Bob’s aunt died from cancer. My cousin lost her long-time partner to complications from heart surgery. We weren’t terribly close to either of them, but it still really sucked.

7.) How did you earn your keep?
Still pretending to be that trophy housewife.

8.) What countries places did you visit?
We did very little outside of home this year aside from a concert in September. This is not a complaint.

9.) What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?
Realistically…a cleaner house. I say some variation of this every year I think, and it just doesn’t happen. (Hence pretending to be a housewife. Because fuck mental illness.)

10.) What dates from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
I always aim for the happy dates: September 7th. We saw O.A.R. and Matt Nathanson and Hoo Boy I love them so very much. (see question #2)

11.) What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I got out of bed every day. I’ve said it many times: it’s been a hard year.

12.) What was your biggest failure?
I gained way too much weight.

13.) Did you suffer illness or injury?
My mental health took a brutal beating this year. I’m still digging out from that one.

14.) Did you ever encounter the police?
The only time we seem to encounter the police is when somebody decides to plow into Joel the Obstinate and Cursed Jetta (TM). It’s been several years since his last bumper replacement, so I’m starting to get a little paranoid about the cranky old man.

15.) What was the best thing you bought?
A new refrigerator. It has its quirks, but I still love it.

16.) Where did most of your money go?
Bills. Those never seem to go away.

17.) What did you get really excited about?
Seeing Matt Nathanson play live for the first time. And his new album. Oof.

18.) Compared to this time last year, are you…
…happier or sadder? Eh…I’d say exhausted and angry. I don’t really associate that with sadness, but for the sake of the question: sadder
…thinner or fatter? Fatter. Because every time I make changes to my diet for the positive, I gain weight. Makes sense.
…richer or poorer? I…honestly don’t know? I don’t think we shifted much in one direction or the other.

19.) What do you wish you’d done more of?
Writing. I did not do nearly enough writing.

20.) What do you wish you’d done less of?
Crying. I did way too much crying.

21.) How did you spend Christmas?
Christmas Eve with my family.
Christmas Day Bob spent with his family, while I stayed home in bed feeling like I got hit by a bus.

22.) What are your short and long term goals for 2019?
Short Term: Putting away the Christmas tree in a timely fashion. (Instead of Valentine’s Day……or Easter…)
Long Term: I’ve learned I just need to focus on the shorter term because when I try to plan too far ahead, it always results in utter failure.

23.) What was your favorite TV program?
Together we’ve invested a lot of time into Critical Role and a couple Youtube channels. On my own I’ve been watching a lot of old Murder She Wrote and Columbo. You heard me.

24.) What were your favorite books of the year?
I couldn’t tell you the last book I actually finished. I’ve started a lot of books and then set them aside because functional attention spans are for schmucks.

25.) What was your favorite music from this year?
Hoo Boy. Matt Nathanson’s new album is still in HEAVY rotation. O.A.R. put out a couple new songs. I’ve been listening to a lot of [old] Tonic and Toad the Wet Sprocket. And I’m still hung up on that Splender fixation that started last year.

26.) What song will always remind you of 2018?
Used to Be by Matt Nathanson.

27.) What were your favorite films of the year?
I honestly could not tell you the last movie we sat down and watched. There hasn’t been anything “new” in a long time that either of us have had any interest in seeing.

28.) What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I turned 39. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…ha…ha…ha…
It was a Monday so we celebrated Sunday. And by “celebrated” I mean we ate leftovers for dinner and had cake. Bob gave me a Lego Advent calendar, a Carbuncle perpetual calendar, and a new watch.

29.) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting more writing done. The lack of writing in the last year has been a tough blow to handle.

30.) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2018?
I am committed to hoodies and pajama pants.

31.) What kept you sane?
Bob and music, always and forever.

32.) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Matt Nathanson and the boys of O.A.R. and a handful of other music makers.

33.) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018.
Wear earplugs at concerts. Logically, this is something I’ve always known, but I’ve never actually done, as I’ve never had a problem. But it took two days for my hearing to return to normal after that last show and it was a bit panic inducing to say the least. Don’t be dumb like me. Earplugs from here on out, Kids.


Farewell December
Matt Nathanson

Something to say?