30 Days of Blogging…Day 2…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 2: Your Favorite Movie I don’t have just one favorite movie. Does anybody really have just one favorite movie? Really? I have several. So I picked four of my very favorites. 1.) The Breakfast Club … I have seen this movie more times than any other movie. I can quote it line for line. 2.) The Cutting Edge … One of my very favorite romantic comedies. I still get a… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 2…

30 Days of Blogging…

I don’t remember where I originally saw this. I found it in a text file saved on my hard drive and thought I’d give it a go. Let’s see if I can manage to keep it up. 30 Days of Blogging Prompts… Day 1 – your favorite song Day 2 – your favorite movie Day 3 – your favorite television program Day 4 – your favorite book Day 5 – your favorite quote Day 6… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…