No one on the radar…

Apparently it’s May. The 12th according to my computer as I type this. Alright then. I’ll take your word for it. Hell if I know. Every day just smears into the next and the only real distinction between weekdays and weekends is whether or not Bob is working in the living room or playing a game at his desk…or in the living room. Is this really that much different from “normal” times? Not really. But… Keep reading…No one on the radar…

Living out of time…

I have no idea what the hell day it is. According to my computer it is 8AM on Saturday, February 1st. Alright then. Last year was absolute shit for writing. Then something happened in December and I started dumping out words on a story at a rate I haven’t experienced in a VERY long time. I couldn’t tell you the last story that saw that much progress in that short of a time period. Thirty-thousand-some-odd… Keep reading…Living out of time…

Didn’t even come close…

January. I really love our Christmas vacation every year. Once we get through the obligations of social gatherings, we hole-up at home and avoid people and enjoy our time together just the two of us, doing whatever the hell we want. Usually playing video games, watching things on the internet, staying up too late, sleeping in, de-stressing, and being US. And then vacation ends and it is a rough reentry into reality and routine. But… Keep reading…Didn’t even come close…

Another page…

December. People are apparently freaking out about the fact that we are only weeks away from the end of the decade and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH YOUR LIFE in the last ten years. I am not in a padded room. I’ll consider that my biggest accomplishment. Anyway. Eight thousand some odd words in less than a week and while it’s dumb fan fiction and riddled with an obscene amount of typos, it feels good… Keep reading…Another page…