
When we first looked at this house, I was a little bit excited by the fact that there was already a storm door installed. Those are few and far between on townhouses and they’re typically freaking expensive to buy and install on your own.

While we were looking that first day, we had an issue getting the storm door to close. It wasn’t until I noticed a label on the inside of the door, that I realized it was a “feature” of the door.

After we solved the great Who The Fuck Changed The Locks!??? mystery, we realized that, in addition to the locks being changed and the garage door remotes disappearing, part of the storm door had also been taken. There was once a closer at both the top and the bottom of the door. The one at the top—the one that controlled the Auto Hold Closer had been removed and taken along with everything else.

Okay. Whatever. Much like the garage door remotes, we’ll never see that piece again, because nobody would take responsibility for any of it.

I don’t think it took us long after taking possession of the house to notice another issue with the storm door—it’s not installed correctly, or not a proper fit for the door frame.

There is no latch to hold the door closed.

I’m holding it closed because it’s freaking WINDY and the door does not stay closed in high wind.

Also, if you wanted to use the lock…there’s no place for it to go.

The previous owners were brilliant, as you can see. There are some other questionable things about the house that make this observation glaringly obvious, but I’ll save those for another day.

It’s been freaking WINDY for the past few days and the storm door has been creaking loudly as it sways in the wind.

Today when I went out to check the mail, I looked down at the remaining closer at the bottom of the door. It’s not fully attached anymore.

There are four screws meant to hold the piece in place on the door frame. There is only one screw left holding things in place. One rusty corner holding it all together.

The door is capable of swinging all the way back to the brick wall behind it. If the wind gets any stronger, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the glass in the door shattered from the impact of slamming into the stone.

Methinks we’ll be making a trip to Menards or Home Depot post haste.

Something to say?