Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]

CG Love Affair…

R: Will I lose approval if I don’t bring Alistair along?

S: Mmm… minus 25.

R: Damn. I guess you won’t be coming back to my tent tonight.

R: I don’t see what people were complaining about. This is more of a challenging puzzle than anything.

S: I think the worst part about it is being alone. You don’t get Alistair’s snarky commentary the whole time.

R: Yes. But I’m not in love with Alistair.

S: Well…everyone else has some good snark too… I imagine Zevran would have quite the entertaining commentary if he was in the party. And Leliana…with the way she rambles, it would be like having me following you around yapping your ear off all the time.

R: [wide eyes] OH GOD! That’d be rough.

R: Good morning! Did you dream about Alistair???

S: If I did, he was probably whining about something.

R: True. He does do that a lot.

R: Now make sure you work on getting Alistair into bed today.

I plead the 5th…

S: How about “Big and Meaty?”

R: I hear that’s what they call Alistair.

S: I wouldn’t know. I haven’t seen him.

R: That’s not what I heard.

S: I wasn’t in the tent. Saria maybe. But I only saw him in his underwear.

Option: [take off equipment]

S: Whoa…they’re all naked!

R: Yeah…your whole party strips. Now just run through the fire.

S: Lookit Saria’s underwear…it’s practically a thong.

[awkard, uncoordinated camera maneuvering]

R: Stare at Alistair’s ass some more.

S: I was trying to see hers.

Something to say?