Who’s up for game three?

I can barely see the burbon drowning next to me and I just lost it all… Ahem. Wrong obsession. Anyway. I have been waiting a very long time for this game. And after dealing with a bunch of computer issues (yay tech support husband) I can finally play the damn thing. I’m terrible at video games. I lack the skill and coordination and reaction time and everything important for not failing and dying over and… Keep reading…Who’s up for game three?

Planning parties for all the fools…

Century Link is the shittiest internet service of all the shitty internet services. For the second time in a week they are apparently throttling our internet access for no goddamn reason. I’m about to start hucking rocks at people. In other news… We got a Nug. He tried to establish dominance over the Tonberry. It didn’t go over well. So he forged an alliance with the [fancy] Turret. These are the things that happen in… Keep reading…Planning parties for all the fools…

Searching for lamp posts…

I’m so glad I have a spam filter on the comments on this thing. That way I don’t have to wade through a fuckton of notifications when I get several dozen gibberish spam comments at once because people need a fucking hobby. I can just do a mass delete whenever I happen to notice, hey, there’s a fuckton of spam comments waiting to be deleted. This arrived on my doorstep yesterday. Bob and I each… Keep reading…Searching for lamp posts…

Conversations in Geek Love [part two]

Conquest to Woo a Templar… S: So apparently I made him wait too long to bed him down. Alistair just propositioned me instead. R: If there was an achievement for the number of different ways to get Alistair into bed—you would totally get it. — Signs of Intelligent Life… R: Only you would have a dream about an alien race of dinosaurs that are cute and cuddly—not mean and scaly. S: Ones that could be… Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love [part two]

Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]

CG Love Affair… R: Will I lose approval if I don’t bring Alistair along? S: Mmm… minus 25. R: Damn. I guess you won’t be coming back to my tent tonight. — R: I don’t see what people were complaining about. This is more of a challenging puzzle than anything. S: I think the worst part about it is being alone. You don’t get Alistair’s snarky commentary the whole time. R: Yes. But I’m not… Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love [the Dragon Age files]