Is that a compromise…

Bob started a new Cyberpunk 2077 play through. They just released a major update that reworked practically everything about it, so it’s kind of like playing a brand new game. There is also a new expansion story coming out, so he’s excited about that. Meanwhile, I’m still laughing about the first time he played the game when it first came out. — It’s the thought that counts… R: I like this game. I found a… Keep reading…Is that a compromise…

Can’t be denied…

September. Finally. Already. Whatever. It’s still ninety-some degrees outside with a heat advisory. And an extreme fire weather watch because drought. But at least August is fucking over. August sucked extra hard this year. Anyroad. A few weeks back, Bob came home from work (first in a long time that he had to actually go into the office) and stated, “I feel like we need an owlbear around here.” So… S: To be fair, you… Keep reading…Can’t be denied…

Just a matter of survival…

August. Ish. We finally have our access road back. Mostly. There’s still a big torn-up mess all around it, but our dirt hill exit has been obliterated and we have fresh asphalt, curbs, and retaining wall. The house is still being violently shaken at all waking hours of the day, however. BUT they have opened a long closed intersection and a whole new service road that didn’t previously exist so there are two new ways… Keep reading…Just a matter of survival…

Picking up steam…

I wrote this back in January as part of the lead-in to the monthly stats and then ended up cutting it out and dumped it into its own draft with the intent to post it later and then promptly forgot it existed. This does not surprise anyone. I didn’t even bother to edit the parts that claim it’s still January. — We’re going to talk about Final Fantasy XIV again. Because reasons. When I… Keep reading…Picking up steam…