Wide open spaces…

Sometime awhile back I started playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic while Bob played KoTOR II. And then… we stopped…for whatever reason. We do that all the time with games. We’ll get distracted by something else…usually another game…and eventually get back to it, but it might take several months, or a year, or who knows how long. Anyhoozits. With the new Star Wars MMO on the horizon, and being made by Bioware, who… Keep reading…Wide open spaces…

Searching for lamp posts…

I’m so glad I have a spam filter on the comments on this thing. That way I don’t have to wade through a fuckton of notifications when I get several dozen gibberish spam comments at once because people need a fucking hobby. I can just do a mass delete whenever I happen to notice, hey, there’s a fuckton of spam comments waiting to be deleted. This arrived on my doorstep yesterday. Bob and I each… Keep reading…Searching for lamp posts…

30 Days of Blogging…Day 20…

30 Days of Blogging… Day 20: A Hobby of Yours… Video Games…I’ve loved to play video games since I was a kid, I’ve just never been particularly good at them. I got an NES* for Christmas when I was twelve and I only ever accumulated a handful of games for it. I was absolutely lousy at most of them. Except the first Legend of Zelda…I actually BEAT that game. BY MYSELF. And let us not… Keep reading…30 Days of Blogging…Day 20…

Grand Theft Horse…

Red Dead Redemption aka Grand Theft Auto: Wild, Wild West Or as I like to call it: Grand Theft Horse Bob borrowed Tommy’s copy of Red Dead Redemption and has been playing it for the past week. I didn’t see all of it as I was distracted by other things, but I saw most of the story. I have learned many things watching Bob play this game. A.) I could NEVER play it myself, simply… Keep reading…Grand Theft Horse…