Final Fantasy Fourteen…

I started playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn a few months ago. It’s the current FF MMO. (It’s the revamp/relaunch of FFXIV from a few years ago that failed epically.) Bob started playing at launch last year, but I wasn’t in the right mindset to pick up a new MMO at the time. He finally lured me into it with Chocobos and Moogles. They are EVERYWHERE. You also eventually get your own Chocobo who… Keep reading…Final Fantasy Fourteen…

Planning parties for all the fools…

Century Link is the shittiest internet service of all the shitty internet services. For the second time in a week they are apparently throttling our internet access for no goddamn reason. I’m about to start hucking rocks at people. In other news… We got a Nug. He tried to establish dominance over the Tonberry. It didn’t go over well. So he forged an alliance with the [fancy] Turret. These are the things that happen in… Keep reading…Planning parties for all the fools…

Wrong way down…

1.) Watching Bob play The Last of Us. Fucking Christ THIS GAME. They have you crying before the opening credits roll and then…oh ye gods. And I’m pretty sure the character Ellie swears more than I do. That’s saying something. 2.) Family picnic tomorrow at the park around the corner. I’m trying not to dread social interaction. 3.) Season 11 of Red vs Blue started last night. I painted my nails red vs blue for… Keep reading…Wrong way down…

Okay what does that even mean?

I watched Bob play a few parts of the first Mass Effect game. I don’t think he ever actually finished that play through. After Dragon Age II came out, Bioware gave free digital downloads of Mass Effect 2 to people who bought DAII. I played an hour or two of the game and…forgot about it. Now Mass Effect 3 is approaching release. I’m sure we won’t be playing it. Neither one of us is really… Keep reading…Okay what does that even mean?

Music and passion were always the fashion…

In Star Wars, my companion Blizz the Jawa speaks…Jawa. So unless you follow subtitles, you have no idea what the hell he is actually saying when he talks to you. Except one line. Which is Jawa-speak up until the end where he says, “Copacabana.” Apparently Blizz is a Fanilow. And then I get Copacabana drumming through my head and am forced to break out the track in iTunes and dance around my house singing to… Keep reading…Music and passion were always the fashion…

Missing in action…

I’ve tried several times to write something, but it just keeps coming out as excessively bitchy. So I delete it and try again. Christmas is one week away. I’m not even trying to pretend that I care. I’m just incredibly…FEH…about any and all holidays that require leaving the house and cramming into someone else’s house with too many other people. And I’m not hosting anything. So don’t ask. Tuesday started the early access for Star… Keep reading…Missing in action…