See the future…

I don’t know who wrote the code for MS Word’s spelling and grammar check, but I’m pretty sure they don’t actually know anything about grammar. Or spelling. Dictionary words are quite frequently not in Word’s dictionary. Do you have any idea how many times I write grammer before I spell it grammar? THANKS, ANDY. *ahem* I type “Is it true?” Word tries to convince me it’s supposed to be “Am it true?” NO, WORD, it… Keep reading…See the future…

Wrong way down…

1.) Watching Bob play The Last of Us. Fucking Christ THIS GAME. They have you crying before the opening credits roll and then…oh ye gods. And I’m pretty sure the character Ellie swears more than I do. That’s saying something. 2.) Family picnic tomorrow at the park around the corner. I’m trying not to dread social interaction. 3.) Season 11 of Red vs Blue started last night. I painted my nails red vs blue for… Keep reading…Wrong way down…

Almost easy…

It appears the Twitter widget in the sidebar has stopped working. WTF, Twitter? W. T. F? Also, the text on my website seems to be displaying differently on this computer. Either that or I’m just crazy. Or both. I usually skim the spam comments before I mass-delete them. The filter has never caught a legitimate comment, but sometimes the spam is almost coherent and occasionally amusing. In the last batch someone begged me to update… Keep reading…Almost easy…

Haphazard bullet points…

… Last week when we were out running errands we stopped at Potbelly Sandwiches for dinner. The guy behind the counter asked if we had any exciting plans for the weekend—we didn’t—then he asked if we were planning on playing Grifball. At first I wasn’t sure if I’d heard him right. He couldn’t possibly have said Grifball could he? Nobody knows what Grifball is. At least nobody I’ve ever actually met. See, I was wearing… Keep reading…Haphazard bullet points…

Looking for a two-ply hefty bag…

Bob is gone on the annual company fishing trip up on Mille Lacs and won’t be home until tomorrow. From the day I moved in with him, we have not spent one single night apart. Tonight is the first time in over four years that I will be sleeping alone. I kind of don’t know what to do with myself. After Bob left this afternoon, I started laundry and then started the unnecessarily daunting task… Keep reading…Looking for a two-ply hefty bag…