Almost easy…

It appears the Twitter widget in the sidebar has stopped working. WTF, Twitter? W. T. F? Also, the text on my website seems to be displaying differently on this computer. Either that or I’m just crazy. Or both. I usually skim the spam comments before I mass-delete them. The filter has never caught a legitimate comment, but sometimes the spam is almost coherent and occasionally amusing. In the last batch someone begged me to update… Keep reading…Almost easy…

Shopping time…

Yesterday Bob and I made our regular trip to Costco. We were both wearing our Blue Army Caboose hoodies—as we do. Rounding the corner out of an aisle a woman chased us down, shouting, “Excuse me! Can I ask you a question!?” We paused, because we’re nice like that, curious as to what she could possibly want to ask us. “Can I ask you a question? Do you work here?” “Um…no.” “Oh, I thought you… Keep reading…Shopping time…

Don’t wanna dance…

I started out writing a post and it turned into one giant bitch-fest. I decided to abandon that one. Because while the occasional bitch-fest is therapeutic, that one was fucking obnoxious. I’ve been trying to compose a “real” post for awhile and…I got nothing. Sure I have plenty of things to write about. I just can’t compose a coherent post. So I just don’t write anything. Oh I’ve been writing. I’ve been doing a lot… Keep reading…Don’t wanna dance…

Conversations in Geek Love…Halo, World!

SOMEBODY has no imagination… S: Do you think they have Blue Team Halo Mega Blocks now? R: Probably not. If they did, would you actually buy them? S: Maybe. I’d have to get both red and blue though. So I could act out scenes. R: *blink*…Then you are DEFINITELY NOT getting them. — More like 3/8… S: Wanna go to eStop? R: What’s eStop? S: It’s GameStop with half their sign burnt out. R: Oh…. Keep reading…Conversations in Geek Love…Halo, World!